Expediente |
2024/S 000-035334 |
Organismo |
NHS Business Services Authority |
Código Postal |
Fecha de publicación |
31/10/2024 |
Section one: Contracting authority/entitySection I: Contracting authority/entityone.1) Name and addressesI.1) Name and addressesNHS Business Services Authority
Stella House, Goldcrest Way, Newburn Riverside
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 8NY
ContactCommercial Services
CountryUnited Kingdom
NUTS codeUKC22 - Tyneside
Internet address(es)Main addresshttps://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/
Buyer's addresshttps://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/
Section two: ObjectSection II: Objecttwo.1) Scope of the procurementII.1) Scope of the procurementtwo.1.1) TitleII.1.1) TitleNHS Jobs Address Service RFI
two.1.2) Main CPV codeII.1.2) Main CPV code72222300 - Information technology services
two.1.3) Type of contractII.1.3) Type of contractServices
two.1.4) Short descriptionII.1.4) Short descriptionThis notice was updated and republished on 29/10/2024 to include further CPV codes.The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to inform organisations of a supplier Pre-Market Engagement exercise (PME). The PME is related to the procurement and contract for the provision of NHS Jobs Address Service which includes an address validation tool to enhance the accuracy of address information for job searches and job adverts. This tool will ensure that the addresses in our system are correct and accurate, which will improve the overall users experience for employers and applications. The NHSBSA invites you to participate in an RFI for NHS Jobs Address Service to further the NHSBSAs understanding of the market.
Section six. Complementary informationSection VI. Complementary informationsix.6) Original notice referenceVI.6) Original notice referenceNotice number: 2024/S 000-033736
Section seven. ChangesSection VII. Changesseven.1.2) Text to be corrected in the original noticeVII.1.2) Text to be corrected in the original noticeSection numberII.1.2.1
Instead ofAdditional CPV code(s)72222300 - Information technology services
72260000 - Software-related services
48000000 - Software package and information systems
48952000 - Public address systems
48971000 - Address book making software package
48950000 - Boat-location and public address system
72268000 - Software supply services
48981000 - Compiling software packages
72262000 - Software development services
72266000 - Software consultancy services
72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
ReadAdditional CPV code(s)72262000 - Software development services
72260000 - Software-related services
48000000 - Software package and information systems
48952000 - Public address systems
48971000 - Address book making software package
48950000 - Boat-location and public address system
72268000 - Software supply services
48981000 - Compiling software packages
72266000 - Software consultancy services
72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
48613000 - Electronic data management (EDM)
48610000 - Database systems
72322000 - Data management services
72222300 - Information technology services
48600000 - Database and operating software package
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*Fecha Pub.: 31/10/2024
*Fuente ext: UK
*Enlace ext: https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/035334-2024