Anuncio de Licitación

Organismo European Commission, DG GROW - Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Descripción Technical Secretariats for the Group of the Notified Bodies: Directive 2013/53/EU on Cableways installations (Lot 1) and Regulation (EU) 2016/424 on Recreational Craft and Personal Watercraft (Lot 2) In case of unavailability or disruptions in the functioning of the electronic means of communication provided in Section 5.1.11 in the last 5 calendar days before the time limit for receipt indicated in Section 5.1.12, the contracting authority reserves the right to extend this time limit and publish the extension at the Internet address provided in Section 5.1.11, without a preceding publication of a corrigendum to this notice. Economic operators interested in this procurement are invited to subscribe to the call for tenders at the address in Section 5.1.11 in order to get notified when new information or documents are published.
Expediente EC-GROW/2024/OP/0027
Plazo Duración: 48 meses
Importe Importe estimado (sin impuestos): 323000 euros.
Domicilio Avenue d'Auderghem 45
Teléfono +32 2 299 11 11
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Fecha límite Hasta el día 02/09/2024 a las 10:00h
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Fecha de apertura
Fecha de publicación 02/08/2024
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